Together, we can help people
overcome suicidal thoughts

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Reach Out for Help

If you’re feeling hopeless, you must remember that help is always available. You are not alone.

Finding the help you need may feel scary, but you owe it to yourself to get it. It doesn’t matter who you are or what’s happened in the past — you are loved and you are important. Don’t let suicidal thoughts fool you into believing otherwise.

Warning signs include:

A history of past attempts

Loss of interest in favorite activities

Self-hating talk or thoughts

Pulling away from friends and family

Feeling like a burden to others

Learn How to Help Others

If you want to make a difference but aren’t personally suffering from suicidal thoughts, there are many things you can do to help those who are.

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Arming ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities with information is the first step in helping people overcome suicidal thoughts. These resources provide hope and help in thoughtful, inspiring ways.